Original Plays
Theater for English Language Learners, ENL Middle and High School Students
Lucille Fletcher's Noir Thriller:
Sorry, Wrong Number
Lucille Fletcher's Noir Thriller:
Sorry, Wrong Number
The Landlady
“Congratulations on the wonderful production! Our ESOL students, instructors, and staff had wonderful things to say about yesterday's play. It was indeed an unforgettable experience for our students. They all want to go back!”
“I just wanted to say thank you again for such a wonderful opportunity to see your show with 2 different groups of kids from my school! For many of them, this was their first time experiencing live theater and they really enjoyed it. I would definitely like to take students again!”
“What an amazing day! The performance was brilliant and the atmosphere so warm and cozy! The students’ questions regarding some details were very smart and interesting! Great job!.”
“My students and I would like to express our gratitude and big delight for having such a great opportunity to watch those two plays: The Landlady and Lamb to the Slaughter .
It was our first time there, and we all were fascinated by actors’ play and interaction with the audience! It was very exciting, interesting and informative. The plays are really thrilling! The staging was perfect as well!
We would like to continue with you having such a great experience!
Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts!”
“A wonderful and invaluable resource for all ESL teachers” My students LOVED the experience, and for a few, it was the first time they had seen a play in English,.”
“We loved the show. I was so impressed with everything, particularly the presenter’s questions and acceptance all audience responses. And the chance to questions the actors at the end while they stayed in character was fabulous. You truly do great work.”
“Thank you. The performances were great—and my student loved them. I look forward to seeing them in class tomorrow and discussing their experience.”
“My students loved it. They are so happy. It was worth the five hour trip from Schenectady” english language learners play
“We sing your praises at College of Staten Island.”
“My students loved it. They were talking about it all the way back to school. They are eager to share their ideas in class.”
-Students participate after each scene by asking the Presenter questions.
-Students can have the scene repeated if they want to see it again.
-In post-performance discussions the audience speaks directly to the characters.
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Educational Theater of New York (ETNY)
Office Location: 228 EAST 45TH STREET, SUITE 53, New York, NY 10017
Tix Reservations: 646-733-7685 info@etnyarts.org
Copyright © 2019 Educational Theater of New York (ETNY) - All Rights Reserved.
ETNY is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
These programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.
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